Long weekend DIYs - a miracle called shelf liner
The bug bit me again - just when I felt our house is done and needs nothing but rest for the next few months. I am solely to blame though...

How India Inspires
Undoubtedly attributable to my inherent impatience with most things in life, I have an itch to swap out décor and re-do rooms every time...

The other lands - the editorial piece I wrote for the 'Samhita' annual magazine
Few days back, when I was still contemplating what I should be writing about for Samhita, I was quite sure it would be about being away...

The season to do good and what I learnt from the real life heroes
Coming back from a seven week trip to India and stepping into the season of ‘doing good’ - with the spirit to give all around - I found...
End of the year update - Dec 2015
I am back from a 7 weeks sabbatical in India. I feel inspired, and blessed. I was able to visit ASFI (Acid Survivors Foundation India)...

The August morning that saved us
Also published on Huff Post http://www.huffingtonpost.com/tanushree-ghosh/postpartum_b_7883422.html On a bright and unusually crispy...

Black and White DIYs to tie a home together
When I started designing my home, like most home owners, I had two boundary conditions and one wish - budget and individual expression,...
Should a nation intervene: A conversation in Istanbul
A rainy November eve in Istanbul - we run to seek refuge in an Indian restaurant - found after 15 min of walking with a stroller on not...
this is not about a particular political affiliation or alignment, this is about human choices and acceptance of something different...
Love in the Land of Freedom
Love never really held much meaning for me. I wished and yearned for freedom instead. And maybe I just was more bereft of one that the...